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Direct booking benefits
Rainald Egerth
Your personal booking bonus for choice

Personal booking bonus to choose from

  • A bottle of typical Viennese wine, at just the right temperature, as a welcome gift in your room.
  • 10 % discount on your consumption in the Schick Restaurants. Gourmet pleasure is guaranteed!
  • Sweet "Wiener Riesenradln" made of nougat chocolate for all those with a sweet tooth.
  • We guarantee direct bookers the nicer room in the booked category - no platform can match that.

Fitness offers for hotel guests

Photo of the reception at the Fit21 fitness studio in Vienna
Take advantage of the sporting offer and really work off after your day

Are you looking for a fitness hotel in Vienna for your holiday or business trip so that you don't have to skip your workout? For this purpose, the Schick Hotels have concluded a cooperation agreement with FIT21 for their guests.

Modern fitness equipment in Vienna - train at a special price at FIT21

FIT21 is located at Taborstraße 10 and offers everything you need for a successful workout. On 1,500 m² of the fitness area, you will find the most modern fitness equipment in Vienna, for strength and cardio at your disposal. Bright training areas and a club feeling create an atmosphere in which your fitness and strength training is twice as much fun.

Opening hours of the fitness centre:

  • Monday to Friday from 6.30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Saturday, Sunday, Holiday from 8.00 to 21.00
Several different training devices are in one room at the Fit21 fitness center in Vienna
Professional fitness offer in the Fit21 fitness center in Vienna

Reduced entrance fee for hotel guests to FIT21

At the reception, you can buy a voucher at a special price of € 12.00 per person.

This includes a one-time entry to FIT21, the training and the shower. Towels and shampoo are available free of charge at the hotel reception.

For the use of solarium or other consumptions, you need cash in notes. You book the desired amount in the gym on the day ticket and can pay with it on-site.

ATTENTION: An open balance will not be returned!

With the cooperation with FIT21 and the modern fitness equipment in Vienna, the Schick Hotels expand their offer for hotel guests. Book your room at your Schick Hotel in Vienna now!

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